The history of the Urban Photo Race


We've come a long way since that first edition of the Urban Photo Race.

At the time none of us ever imagined it to last or even grow to such dimensions. We always talked about how great it would be to reach the 100 participants mark, or how cool it would be to do this in other cities. I would be lying if I said we hadn't dream about it but to see it come true is beyond words.

We've all set onto this path with different kinds of expectations and level of commitment, not really knowing where it all would lead to. Sometimes wavering at the more difficult times, but always rejoicing at the successful ones.

It was quite surprising that there wasn't such an event in Amsterdam yet alone in the Netherlands, all we knew was that having experienced this kind of event from the participants side we had to do something about that.

In the beginning it's difficult to be heard, people don't really know what you are about and you have little or nothing to show. And so, like everything else we had to fight for our place in this incredibly eventful city. We are very thankful for all of those who helped and supported us in the beginning.

It's quite incredible to see participants come back year after year, true fans of the concept, waiting for that moment to explore the city and see them enjoying the day like they normally wouldn't. It's a challenging day we know, but it wouldn't be a race if you didn't break a sweat , if only from stressing about the photos.

The concept has changed quite a lot since the beginning, we learned from our mistakes but above all we listened to your requests and suggestions and adapted our race. Our ultimate goal is to grow our event in a qualitative way, we want you to have a great race day and an even better exhibition event. We're always looking to partner with key entities to bring you the best we can offer.

We're heading towards new and exciting times, and we hope you'll join us for this incredible ride.

Team UPR

Luis Monteirourbanphotorace