First edition of the Urban Photo Race PARIS: Congratulations to all, you did it!
Sore feet but radiant faces, kilometres traveled but also kilometres of "film" in the backpack. This first edition went really well and even the weather was at its best, mild, with a lot of sun, some clouds and beautiful lights. Both the passage of the techno parade and some yellow vests and minor metro closures finally added a touch of authenticity to the race. It started in the 14th arrondissement, led to a newsstand in the 17th, from there direction to a houseboat moored at the banks of the Seine and the finish line was in the popular and trendy 11th arrondissement.
The themes were:
T1 - So chic
T2 - Opposition
T3 - Nature around the corner
T4 - It's so good
T5 - Funny?!...
T6 - Quick!
Quite a mixed bag which reflected different aspects of Paris. Themes that were more or less easy to tackle. And the discussions about the themes were animated. No favourite theme though ... everybody had its very own preferences. In any case, thanks for having participated and shared the adventure of this first edition.
An event of this magnitude, even if it was organized in cooperation with the Photoclub Paris Val-de-Bièvres, requires not only some sound organization but also financial support: Hence we would like to thank our generous sponsors: Edaa, Spéos, Disnet, Godox, Jiminy, Dupif and The City Hall of the 14th.
And don't forget: you are invited to the opening night on November 7 at 6 pm in the annexe de la of Mairie du 14e. The photos of the winners will be exposed, all the other photos will be projected. We are confident that you are thrilled to discover how the other participants have translated the themes into photos and will be present. After the award ceremony, have some food and wine, also, there will be plenty of time to rub shoulders.
See you soon and thanks again for having participated!
We know you don’t do it for the awards but still we like to offer you some extra incentive. Keep an eye on this space as we update it with the awards so generously donated by our sponsors.
Best Photographer - 1st Place
camera bag (21 l)
speedlite V860II Nikon X1 Trigger Kit
one-year online photo course
photo prints
Best Photographer - 2nd Place
camera bag (21 l)
hand strap
one-year online photo course
photo prints
Best Photographer - 3rd Place
camera bag (21 l)
one-year online photo course
photo prints
Jury Favourites
three month online photo course
hand strap

Anouk Graux
In photography, I always preferred the Human to the landscape, but the top is the Human in the landscape ... street photography: there we are!
To be bold, but respect people, to anticipate situations, be there at the right time, and here we are in the heart of life. Street photography is also contemporary photography par excellence, because it keeps forever, to our greatest pleasure, the traces of the present time.
Leonardo Antoniadis
Born in Rosario, Argentina, Leonardo Antoniadis studied anthropology and started to get into photography in Buenos Aires. His first experiences in press photography took place within local newspapers and the magazine « Paz y Justicia« , run by the Nobel Peace prize winner Adolfo Pérez Esquivel. In 1991, in France, he worked freelance for newspapers and magazines: L’événement du jeudi, l’Humanité, Libération, Le Monde. Studying visual anthropology and training in video making triggered his interest for documentary cinema. From 1966 he started making « reportages » for foreign newspapers: El Mundo, La Nacion, Svenska Dagbladet. On a personal level, he has always had a strong interest in the lives of stigmatised populations. Since the 1980s, he has produced in-depth photo- and video-documentaries about Ocaina, Shipibo, Mataco people, South American slum inhabitants and Romani and travellers populations in Europe.
In parallel with this professional shooting work, he has taught « reportage » photography at the Spéos Photographic Institute in Paris since 2002
Christophe Audebert
Christophe Audebert is a professional photographer and author and makes a living from Corporate photography since 15 years.
For his personal projects, he is interested in the notions of time and movement in photography. He has written two books at Editions Eyrolles "The secrets of long exposure" and "The secrets of movement in photography". He regularly organizes workshops and photo trips to Mont St Michel and the Faroe Islands (with Voyage Passion Photo).
Gautier Van Lieshout
To me, street photography is a complex art, a little intrusive. I usually work in the studio where each element is mastered. In the street, the photographer is dependent on the reality, the surroundings. I admire these artists for whom the street is a huge playground. I love street photography: the photographers manage to tell a story, without embellishment. Just the real, nothing but the real.
Our jury is handpicked for their keen eye and individual photographic background, they will go at your photos from all angles.
They are a very photography active bunch, they are photographers, educators, gear geeks… you have it all! Please check out their work and learn more about them.

1st place - Jurgen Onland
camera bag (21 l)
speedlite V860II Nikon X1 Trigger Kit
one-year online photo course
photo prints
2nd place - Agnès Vergnes
camera bag (21 l)
hand strap
one-year online photo course
photo prints
3rd place - Isabelle Besson
camera bag (21 l)
one-year online photo course
photo prints
Laurine Brece-Siegfried
three month online photo course + hand strap
Anne-Cécile Zoungrana
three month online photo course + hand strap
Jurgen Onland
three month online photo course + hand strap
Jurgen Onland
three month online photo course + hand strap
Youngest participant (13yo)
Valentin Toupry Putot

Annette Schwichtenberg
1st Urban Photo Race Paris Coordinator, I am a member of photoclub Paris Val-de-Bièvre for many years now, as a photographer and workshop animator.
In my time-off, I travel, often solo and take photographs of places both strange and quiet. I like to lose myself in a book or a map and have a great passion for hiking and endurance sports. Apart from these precious mind and body escapes, I work in publishing for an international organisation.
Anterion Frederic
Photography is a long life companion, from my 1st Kodac Retinette to a digital camera, from Parisian streets to far-off countries, so many faces and landscapes captured, so much progress made!
I live my passion for photography as a photographer and animator at the Photoclub Paris Val-de-Bièvre since 2009, but I am also very fond of jazz and classical music, and play the guitar.
After a long career in the IT industry, I have launched my own consulting business, BRAINNOV, in artificial intelligence, the next revolution!
Gilles Hanauer
Photography is a recent business, I only started in 2006 with the digital world. Long live technology ... good-bye to chemistry!
I travelled around the world for many years for a multinational company and have kept the taste of travel. I still do a lot of traveling, especially in Japan which I have visited regularly for over 40 years now and where I expose every year.
Being rather hyperactive and curious, I began to publish novels, to give electric guitar in a small group of blues a try, after practicing classical singing for 20 years, accompanying me still today...in the shower.
An open eye and mind, my leitmotif every morning : feeling the urge to act to keep alive !